Simply and quickly start and follow a translation in the cloud

Live quotations can be requested within 30 seconds.

The translation can then be started immediately if desired. You can follow the translators live during the translation. Of course, only you and the translator can access the text and its data through the personal customer account. We use simple and transparent rates for each language and no minimum rate. There is always a project manager ready to help you further.

A high quality and ISO certified

Fairlingo is the only ISO certified translation platform in the world.

We set high quality requirements for our translations. The translators are selected according to high quality standards. One of our 20% best native translators with experience in the field then translate your text. The text is then revised by another translator. Because the translator and revisor work in the cloud, we measure the quality of every translation job in an advanced way. We use the collected data to have the 20% best translators translate your text. In addition, the translators receive continuous feedback from each other to develop further. Due to the working method in the cloud, we measure the quality of every assignment live and if a translation does not meet the quality standards, another translator is called in without extra costs for you as a client. Because you can always follow the translation process live, you are assured that the text is well revised. In addition, a quality assurance applies to every translation.

Transparent and equal rates for each language

Transparent and more efficient by translating and revising in the cloud.

This makes us cheaper than any other certified translation service. We use the same rate for every language without a minimum rate. Unique. We are also transparent with regard to rates. Fair to clients and translators.

The experience of our customers:

98% of our customers recommend Fairlingo

The only ISO-certified translation platform


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Nina Turk
English translator
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Paul Davoine
French translator
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Irene Paulmer-Boutista
Spanish translator
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Giovanni Piesco
Italian translator

Which file formats are supported by the Fairlingo platform?

You will always receive the translated file in the same format as the uploaded document file.


.xml export files from WordPress can be uploaded directly to our system.


.docx is the document extension most used by word processors such as Microsoft Word.


.txt files are documents with plain text which can be opened with standard word processors.


.csv and .xls files can be translated with Fairlingo, the layout and format will be preserved. Ideal for the translation of files that you would like to quickly re-import.


.po files are used by content management systems to recognize translations.

Developed by a leading translation agency.