Why 15.659 other translators
have chosen Fairlingo


Freelance vertalen


At Fairlingo, you receive English translation assignments via e-mail easily and quickly. You have the possibility to accept or reject them yourself. So you decide how much you work. Build a challenging job without obligations.
Freelance vertaalopdrachten


Thanks to our unique platform, English translators from all over the world come together. This gives you the opportunity to learn from your colleagues. The translator and revisor work on the translation in the cloud together. In this way, you continue to develop yourself.

Freelance vertaler


Fairlingo is built on the latest techniques and methods within the translation business. Through our software and our algorithm, we link the right translator to an appropriate client worldwide. In this way, you will soon have the opportunity to receive translation assignments from all over the world.

The better you become,
the more you earn

After earning a specific number of points, you reach a higher level.
The higher your level, the more you get paid per word. You will be paid via PayPal.
€ 0.03
per word exclusive of VAT
Wat kost een vertaling
25 points

Beginning English translator

per translated word: €0.03
per revised woord: €0.05

You just started your translation career or grew up with English as your native language. You earn € 0.03 per translated word and € 0.005 per revised word. You will be paid via PayPal.

€ 0.06
per word exclusive of VAT
Tarieven vertalen
35 points

Experienced English translator

per translated word: €0.06
per revised word: €0.006

You have already gained some experience through Fairlingo or you can start at this level with demonstrable experience. You earn € 0.06 per translated word and € 0.006 per revised word. You will be paid via PayPal.

€ 0.08
per word exclusive of VAT
55 points

Expert English translator

per translated word: €0.08
per revised word: €0.007

You have become an expert English translator through Fairlingo or you can start at this level with demonstrable professional experience. You earn € 0,08 per translated word and € 0,007 per revised word. You will be paid via PayPal.

Getting started as an
English Translator at Fairlingo

Start today

Simply register as an English translator today and accept assignments at your own pace. If you have demonstrable experience regarding translation, you can start at a higher level. You call the shots.

Translate a text

Choose the assignment that suits you and start working on the translation. Thanks to our platform, you can determine your own working hours and workload yourself. We also have clear agreements about the payments.

Earn more per level

At Fairlingo, you get the chance to continuously develop your translation skills. Through our unique method, you can increase in level, so you will receive orders that get paid more. Grow along with our global translation community.

Work together with other English translators
in a unique community

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Giovanni Piesco
Italian translator
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Nina Turk
English translator
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Paul Davoine
French translator
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Irene Paulmer-Boutista
Spanish translator

Because the translation process
can be simpler and more beneficial
without losing quality.



Clients give Fairlingo
an average review score of 9.4/10

98% of our customers recommend Fairlingo

What your future colleagues say

Christian Näckel | Marketing manager

"Words connect worlds and create bridges between cultures - Together we aim to overcome barriers and get closer to each other !"

Vera Nijkamp | Community manager

‘Fairlingo is a unique platform with a fantastic community. A project I'm proud to be part of!'

As a community manager, Vera assists clients and translators with enquiries. She also takes care of the recruitment and selection of translators and contributes to the optimization of the translator platform interface.

Wouter Nijland | Community manager

'By keeping close contact with the client and translator, we provide a smooth translation process'

In his role as community manager, Wouter is the link between our customers and translators. Thanks to his organisational skills and customer-oriented attitude, he ensures the users of our platform are satisfied. By being in close contact with our customers and translators, he also contributes to a streamlined translation process.

Sam van Gentevoort | Community manager

‘We harnessed more than 10 years of experience as a translation agency and translated it into Fairlingo'

Sam serves as community manager and contributes to Fairlingo developments. Combining client contact with platform development allows us to apply the best solutions.

Wouter Wessendorp | Web developer

‘We created Fairlingo by utilizing the latest software developments'

Wouter is our web developer and has proven himself as a true code guru. Thanks to his input, we were able to successfully develop our code and advanced algorithms

Sven Schiff | Inhouse language expert

‘Improving translations is a true learning experience'

Sven is our in-house language expert and ensures a high level of translation quality. His critical and analytical eye keeps our translators sharp. He also contributes to the optimization of the translation process.

Anthony Mansour | French translator

‘Thanks to my own multicultural background, becoming a translator was a logical step'

Anthony is a French translator who is also fluent in Arabic. With his engineering background, he was able to specialise in technical translations. He also has a knack for travel-oriented translations.

Anel Zhuaspayeva | Russian translator

‘An individual's vocabulary determines the horizon of his or her thoughts'

Anel was born and raised in Kazakh and was brought up with both Russian and Kazakh as her mother tongue. She has also invested in her English language fluency. Thanks to her vast experience, she is an eminent translator in various fields.

Giovanni Pesco | Italian translator

‘The Italian language contains many unique expressions which present an interesting challenge’

Giovanni was born and raised in Italy, but has gathered a wealth of worldly knowledge including specialization in the English, Japanese and Tibetan languages. He is also an expert in the translation of literary works.

Peter Van der Linde | Dutch translator

‘Mastering multiple languages lends us the opportunity to shape the world around us’

Peter is a Dutch translator and an expert in the field of technical translations. He also travels the world as part-time musician, which has granted him excellent English fluency.