Our certified translation platform

matches the best native translators to your professional translation. From €0.08 per word.

Hero professionele vertaling

A professional translation in any language. Always the right translation.

Professional ISO-certified translations by native speakers. Engage a native translators in your field or industry. Because native speakers know the language and culture, you always get the best translation. An appealing and secure output is required for professional translations; a poor translation can have negative consequences.

VBP 002 Kwaliteit bewaken 1

Professional translation

The advantage at Fairlingo over a traditional translation agency is that you can follow the translation live. You can follow the whole translation live, which means you can also contact the translator. If you do want a change, you can tell the translator immediately. You will have a quote within 30 seconds. Still not entirely convinced? Then request a free test translation first!

Wereldbol handen

Native translators

We provide all sorts of professional translations. Our professional translations are translated by experienced native speakers. Whether it is a medical document or a legal document, we translate almost any document. We work exclusively with experienced native speakers to provide our customers with the best quality.

VBP 001 Gecertificeerd en garantie Gecertificeerd en garantie v2

Professioneel & ISO gecertificeerd

Fairlingo is het enige vertaalplatform dat ISO-9001 en ISO-17100 gecertificeerd is. Om deze certificeringen te ontvangen moet je aan hoge kwaliteitseisen voldoen. Hier voldoet Fairlingo aan. En ook klanttevredenheid is erg belangrijk bij ons. Wij vinden het belangrijk dat onze klanten tevreden zijn met een vertaling.

Files we can work with

You receive the translated file in the same uploaded file format.

File txt

.txt files

File po

.po files

Icons8 csv 90

.csv files

File doc

.doc files

File xml

.xml files

Verschillende Formaten nieuwe stijl

How Fairlingo works

At Fairlingo we work with a simple process to deliver your translations fast.

  • Bx cloud upload
    1. Step 1

    Upload a file or URL to get an instant no-obligation quote online. The following file formats are available: .docx, .txt, .xlsx, .csv, .po, .xliff or WordPress .xml.

  • Bx show alt
    2. Step 2

    After confirming the quote, the translation is started right away. You can follow the translation live from your account. Of course, only you and the translator have access to the text.

  • Bx cloud download
    3. Step 3

    The translation and invoice are sent by email and can be downloaded from your account. Still have questions about our process and services? Consult the FAQ page or contact us.